Project : Aquaponics System         Year : 2019   Client : La Fraîche

  • Aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture, which is growing fishs, and hydroponics which is growing plants without soil. Aquaponics uses these two in a symbiotic combination in which plants are fed the aquatic animals’ discharge or waste. In return, the vegetables clean the water that goes back to the fish.

  • La Fraîche uses indoor agriculture as a mean to improve life quality in venues where people spend most of their time. Specifically oriented towards company offices, retirement homes and restaurants, each of our living furnitures hosts an ecosystem, in which fish and plants live together and naturally produce fresh herbs and microgreens. La Fraîche gives back to employees, retirees and restaurant customers the contact with nature that is missing in their everyday urban life.

  • We worked with Swiss companies for all the structure of the system. #Swissmade

  • Project in collaboration with Jérôme Rütsche.
